League Name: North Alabama BCAPL
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Wayne Parker
State: AL
Website: -
Nights of Play:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
League Name: South Alabama BCA Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Kenneth (David) Mask Sr
City: Daphne
State: AL
Email: southalabamapool@playusapool.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Mon & Sat In-House
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 251-644-7879
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
League Name: Mel's Hideaway
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Melody Bland
City: Dothan
State: AL
Email: melodybland98@gmail.com
Website: - https://www.facebook.com/wiregrassbca/
Nights of Play: Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sun In-house
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 334-200-6645
Alternate Contact: Todd Bland
Alternate Email: tb3342@yahoo.com
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile: 334-435-4955
Plays @ Mel's Hideaway
League Name: Troup County BCA Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Jenny Langley
City: Five Points
State: AL
Email: langley.jenny@icloud.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Mon In-House
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 706-443-8295
Alternate Contact: Shawn Langley
Alternate Email: jameslangley0227@icloud.com
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile: 706-415-0338
Plays @ Break & Run Cafe
League Name: ALBCA Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Sean Nicke
City: Madison
State: AL
Email: sean_nicke@hotmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Mon Tues Sat & Sun Traveling
Home Phone: 760-987-1254
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
Locations - Sundays: 8-ball and 9-ball at Bumpers at 5:00pm
Mondays: 8-ball at Bumpers in Huntsville at 6:30pm, 8-ball at Steve's Cue and Grill in Huntsville at 6:30pm, 8-ball at Chips n Salsa in Huntsville at 7:00pm, and 10-ball (individual) at Limestone Legends in Athens
Tuesdays: 8-ball at Buck's Lounge in Guntersville at 7:00pm
Every Third Saturday of the month: Ladies 8-ball at Steve's Cue and Grill in Huntsville at 10:00am
League Name: Mobile BCAPL
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Steve Flair
City: Mobile
State: AL
Email: steveflair@neveryield.net
Website: -
Nights of Play: Mon In-House
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 251-586-1155
Alternate Contact: Henry Gornowicz
Alternate Email: henry.gornowicz@gmail.com
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
Plays @ Runway Billiards
League Name: Montgomery BCA Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Emmatina Hatten
City: Montgomery
State: AL
Email: emmatinahatten@gmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Weds In-House
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 334-538-3865
Alternate Contact: Josh Riser
Alternate Email: josh.riser.sc@gmail.com
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
Plays @ Dejavu Montgomery
League Name: Your BCA Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Daryl Keplinger
City: Morris
State: AL
Email: uhoh.daryl@gmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Weds Thurs In-House
Home Phone: 205-283-4639
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Alternate Contact: Michael Catanese
Alternate Email: mccatane1@aol.com
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile: 205-261-9235
Plays @ Iron City Billiards
League Name: King's Cash League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: John King Jr
City: Pelham
State: AL
Email: snekerz@gmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Mon Thurs In-House
Home Phone: 205-643-1424
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Alternate Contact: JT King
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
League Name: Baldwin BCA Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Arthur Yoas
City: Summerdale
State: AL
Email: southalabamapl@gmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Mon Tues Weds Thurs In-House
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 251-752-9959
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
Plays @ The Shop
League Name: River City BCA Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Bill Hatton Jr
City: Trinity
State: AL
Email: rcbcapl@charter.net
Website: -
Nights of Play: Tue In-house
Home Phone: 256-974-8570
Work Phone: 256-552-1440
Cell Phone: 256-654-3855
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
Location: 6 Pockets Billiards