League Name: Side Pockets
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Blake Deibler
State: KS
Website: -
Nights of Play:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
League Name: Shooters Vegas League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Jesse Vogel
State: KS
Website: -
Nights of Play:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
League Name: Mid-West BCA Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Andrew Ibbetson
City: Chanute
State: KS
Email: andrew.ibbetson83@gmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Tuesday Traveling
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 620-496-7685
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
Plays@ Rack House Billiards, Denny's, Time Out Tavern & Elks Lodge
League Name: Boothill Shootout Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Dean Perkins
City: Dodge City
State: KS
Email: four_boys@yahoo.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Tues Traveling & Sun In-House
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 620-855-0819
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
Plays @ Sip n Suds & Dodge House Salon
League Name: Emporia KS Tues Night 8 Ball League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Tracy Edwards
City: Emporia
State: KS
Email: tledwards48@gmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Tuesday Traveling
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 620-481-3196
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
Plays @ Bourbon Cowboy, VFW, Wagon Wheel, Stinger's, Junction & Charlie's
League Name: Fort Scott BCA Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Jerry Shead
City: Fort Scott
State: KS
Email: jwshead@gmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Monday Traveling
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 913-710-8580
Alternate Contact: Matt Crystal
Alternate Email: bar.mc.ranch@gmail.com
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile: 816-536-5646
Plays @ VFW, Holmtown Bar & Grill and Elks Lodge
League Name: Salt City Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Tama Collins
City: Hutchinson
State: KS
Email: tamab40@yahoo.com
Website: -
Nights of Play:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 620-960-1361
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
League Name: Greater Kansas City BCAPL
Playable Regions: KS, MO
Contact Name: Darin Haggart
City: Independence
State: MO
Email: dlhaggart2@yahoo.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Mon Tues Weds Thurs Sun Traveling
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 816-896-8181
Alternate Contact: Connie Mouser
Alternate Email: mouser_c@yahoo.com
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile: 816-914-3107
LOCATIONS: Side Pockets- Lenexa, North, Blue Springs and Lee's Summit.
Empire Billiards
League Name: Empire Billiards BCA Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Chad Landis
City: Lawrence
State: KS
Email: empirebarchad@gmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Thurs In-house
Home Phone:
Work Phone: 785-856-4980
Cell Phone: 785-550-3825
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
Plays @ Empire Bar & Billiards
League Name: 16-92 Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Dale Ping
City: McLouth
State: KS
Email: dale.ping67@gmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Tues Thurs Traveling
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 913-449-2980
Alternate Contact: Mendy Ping
Alternate Email: mendyjean814@gmail.com
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
Plays @ Stinky's, Hilltop Bar, Perry Bar & Grill, Ned Reck's, American Legion & The Elevator
League Name: Pool League Association
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Bill Hanley
City: Newton
State: KS
Email: wwhanley@hotmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Thurs Traveling
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 316-833-4153
Alternate Contact: Brian Wolfe
Alternate Email: bdw351@gmail.com
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile: 316-282-0388
Plays @ Eagles, Coneburg, American Legion, Bankshots.
League Name: 3 & 2 Pool/BCAPL/USAPL
Playable Regions: KS, MO
Contact Name: Darin Haggart
City: Ottawa
State: KS
Email: dlhaggart2@yahoo.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Tue(teams) & Wed(Doubles) In House
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 816-896-8181
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
Location: Great Life Golf Course
League Name: North Central Kansas Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Steve Stockham
City: Salina
State: KS
Email: snaggle@cox.net
Website: -
Nights of Play: Tues & Fri In-house
Home Phone: 785-825-2548
Work Phone: 785-826-9992
Cell Phone: 785-822-2257
Alternate Contact: Diana Stockham
Alternate Email: pangea@cox.net
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile: 785-577-5009
Location: Sunset Billiards
League Name: League Central BCA Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Pat Brown
City: Shawnee
State: KS
Email: patrickbrownLC@gmail.com
Website: - www.league-central.com
Nights of Play: Tues Weds Thurs In-House/Traveling
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 913-208-1948
Alternate Contact: Dianna Maxwell
Alternate Email: dianna@olympicengraving.com
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile: 913-208-1948
Plays Tuesdays In House @ Shooters and Sharks.
Plays Weds In-House @ Shooters & Sharks & Weds Traveling @ Shooters, Grumpy's, Brickyard, Lumpy's at Olathe & Tumbleweed, Gardner. On Thursday Traveling @ Eagles Lodge, Betty C's Jake's Place and Jocks Bar.
League Name: Northeast Kansas BCA Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Daniel Rogers
City: Topeka
State: KS
Email: neksbcapl@gmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Tues-Thur Travel
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 785-249-7069
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
LOCATIONS: TUESDAY- Breakers Sports Bar & Grill, The Dugout, KnJ's Sports Bar, Riegel's 20's West Bar & Grill. WEDNESDAYS (Do not play summer session)- American Legion Post 225, Empire Bar & Billiards, Helen's Hilltop, Stinky's Bar & Billiards. THURSDAYS- Breakers Sports Bar & Grill, Boulevard Billiards Sports Bar, KnJ's Sports Bar.
League Name: Topeka Billiards
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Bob Reed
City: Topeka
State: KS
Email: TopekaBilliards@gmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Tues - Thurs In-House
Home Phone: 785-256-4462
Work Phone: 785-215-8983
Cell Phone: 785-393-3456
Alternate Contact: Rob Reed Jr
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
LOCATION: Boulevard Billiards
League Name: World Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Jimmy Martin
City: Wichita
State: KS
Email: worldpoolleague@yahoo.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Wed Travel
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 316-305-1204
Alternate Contact: Jill Martin
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile: 316-305-1198
League Name: Air Capital Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Steve Moore
City: Wichita
State: KS
Website: -
Nights of Play: Thurs- spring, Thurs Sun Travel- fall
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
League Name: Club Billiards Pool League
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Phil Haase
City: Wichita
State: KS
Email: clubbilliardsusa@gmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play:
Home Phone:
Work Phone: 316-293-6421
Cell Phone: 316-293-6421
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
League Name: Shooters In-House
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Paula Boucher
City: Wichita
State: KS
Email: shooterswichitallc@gmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Tues Weds Fri Sun In-House
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 316-833-1808
Alternate Contact: Joe Boucher
Alternate Email: jbisnoop@gmail.com
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile: 316-641-4711
Plays @ Shooters Wichita