League Name: Atlantic Cue Sports Association
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Dale Brimcombe
State: Nova Scotia
Email: baulkline@hotmail.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Wed In-house
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 902-292-1849
Alternate Contact: Brian White
Alternate Email: maritimebilliards@hotmail.com
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile: 902-751-0486
League Name: Cape Breton Islanders
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Ryan Kendall
City: Eskasoni
State: Nova Scotia
Email: emmagraciekendall@outlook.com
Website: -
Nights of Play: Tues In-house
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: 902-574-2256
Alternate Contact: Wek Augustine
Alternate Email: wekatesk@yahoo.ca
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile: 902-578-6081
Location: Dooly's (Sydney)
League Name: Doolys Rockingham BCAPL
Playable Regions:
Contact Name: Craig Teal
City: Hammonds Plains
State: Nova Scotia
Website: -
Nights of Play: Wed In-house
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Alternate Contact: Jennifer Rowden
Alternate Email:
Alternate Phone:
Alternate Work:
Alternate Mobile:
Plays @ Doolys Rockingham